
Social Media Manifesto

Add value to your audience without cheating on yourself. Grab your FREE Social Media Manifesto now!





I created the social media manifesto as a personal document for creators, entrepreneurs and influencers to help guide how you show up online and serve your audience with clarity, confidence and without the constant battle with self doubt.


And now I want to share it with you as a free gift that you can print and use as your individual *North Star* online.



Grab your FREE Social Media Manifesto now!

Join a growing tribe of creators who choose personal integrity over profits or popularity.

Hey! I'm Sahar Twesigys


Allow me to alleviate your anxiety. The name’s pronounced Sahar (yes like the desert, without the A at the end) Twe-see-jay.


I’m a multi-passionate entrepreneur and speaker who’s nuts about marketing. I call London home and I jumped headfirst into entrepreneurship 6 years ago in the thick of raising my 4 littles and somehow turned my feeble recipe blog into thousands of website hits and millions of views on Pinterest. I now help female entrepreneurs from all over the world build profitable businesses online.

I’m a tea drinking, dessert loving introvert and if given the choice to go hard or go home, I’d go home, hard.